
For Universities and colleges

The projects "Astra-University" and "Astra-College" are aimed at training IT specialists in the software products of Astra Group of Companies in organizations of higher and professional education. These projects are implemented through universities, academies, institutes, technical schools and colleges. Educational organizations that are participants in the Astra University and Astra College projects receive information, technical and methodological support from Astra Group of Companies for organizing the educational process, and teachers and students can participate in support programs for teachers and students. Students can be trained in the software products of Astra Group of Companies both as part of the main educational process and as part of additional educational programs.

Software products are studied by students in one or more disciplines. The number and name of disciplines depends on the profile of the educational organization and the areas of training of students.

Basic line of disciplines:
  • information Technology;
  • OS;
  • computer networks;
  • operating system security, etc.
Вузам и колледжам

What do participants of the Astra-University and Astra-College projects get from Astra Group of Companies

  • Methodological support of the educational process.
  • Training for teachers of specialized disciplines.
  • Equipping computer classes with software products.
  • Scholarships and employment for students.

How to become a partner of Astra Group of Companies

Stage 1.
An important condition for joining the Astra-University or Astra-College project is the interest and desire of the university or college in teaching Astra products to students.
Stage 2.
A person responsible for interaction with Astra Group of Companies is appointed from the organization.
Stage 3.
An educational organization determines within itself a specialized department or faculty that will be responsible for organizing the educational process.
Stage 4.
Astra Group of Companies provides information on the educational organization, names of disciplines, specialized teachers and the number of students planned to study on the products of Astra Group of Companies (information is provided by the responsible person).
Stage 5.
A roadmap is being formed for the introduction of Astra software products into the educational process.
Stage 6.
The educational organization with a letter of guarantee confirms the updating of curricula and programs of disciplines, within the framework of which training in software products of Astra Group of Companies will be organized.
Stage 7.
An educational organization concludes an agreement on cooperation, confidentiality, a license agreement for the transfer of licenses for software products and, if necessary, other agreements and agreements.

List of universities and colleges
