
For Authorized training centers

Authorized training centers are formed on the basis of educational organizations operating under a license in the field of additional professional education:

  • centers of additional professional education;
  • universities;
  • colleges.

How to get the status of an authorized training center?

To obtain the status of an authorized training center, organizations must send to the address a letter with the subject “Application for authorization of the CA”, attaching a package of documents to it, which includes:

  1. Organization name and TIN.
  2. Link to the organization's website.
  3. Scan of the license for educational activities in the field of further education.
  4. Contact person for opening an authorized training center based on this organization (full name, position, e-mail, phone).
  5. A completed CV for each teacher.

Authorization process

Filing an application
An educational organization submits to the Department of Education (email a written application for authorization and provides detailed information about teachers (including resumes on  each teacher) who are supposed to be authorized to receive the status of an authorized training center. In the  subject of the letter, you must specify the Application for authorization CA.
Application review
The Department of Education, represented by the head of the department for work with training centers, considers the application for authorization and summaries of teachers. The application is reviewed in within 14 days from the date of application submission. The head of work with training centers department conducts a consultation on the results of consideration of the application (discussing issues by phone, e-mail) to clarify the conditions for authorization of the training center and to form a decision on the status of the application.
Decision to start the authorization procedure
The Department of Education, based on the results of consideration of the application of the educational organization, resumes of teachers and the results of the discussion of the conditions for authorization, makes a decision to start the authorization procedure of the educational organization.
Conclusion of confidentiality agreement and license agreement
Conclusion of the Confidentiality Agreement with the educational organization. Conclusion of a license agreement with an educational organization for authorization.
Authorization of teachers
To obtain authorization status, you need to authorize two teachers for the basic line of Astra GK courses. This comprehensive program includes training in 5 courses: AL–1701, AL–1702, AL–1703, AL–1704 and AL–1705, detailed course programs are available at address:
Final authorization decision
The Department of Education makes a final decision on assigning the status of an authorized training center to an educational organization, a license agreement is concluded with the educational organization on the part of the vendor, and a certificate of an authorized training center is issued, confirming the right to conduct authorized courses from the vendor.

Criteria for selecting educational organizations
to obtain the status of an authorized training center

For obtaining the status of an authorized training center, an educational organization
must meet the following criteria:

An educational organization must have a license for educational activities under the programs of additional professional education (additional professional education).
The educational organization must have a computer class with the Astra Linux operating system (the minimum number of computers is 8 pcs.), the distribution kit is provided to the educational organization after signing the License Agreement.
The educational organization must have at least two authorized teachers for the entire line of courses on the operating system.

Required package of documents for
obtaining authorization

A scanned copy of the license for educational activities in CPE programs
Questionnaire of the educational organization and information for website
License agreement for authorization
Resume of teachers
Confidentiality Agreement

Training centers
